Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offer a holistic approach to health, blending ancient wisdom with modern therapies.
Acupuncture is particularly effective for a quick and long term relief of chronic pain, movement disorders, suppressing stress and anxiety, greatly increase the chance of fertility, and many other conditions.
Herbal medicine, uses plant-based remedies tailored to support the body’s natural healing processes to balance the body. It is especially beneficial for fertility, digestive, respiratory and psychological issues, skin conditions, and hormonal imbalances.
Together, acupuncture and herbal medicine offer a comprehensive, natural path to long-term wellness.
Common Conditions Treated with both traditional and contemporary Acupuncture:
Head and Face:
- Migraines
- headaches
- insomnia,
- anxiety,
- emotional issues
- Sudden hearing loss
- dizziness
- tinnitus
- vertigo
- Jaw and facial pain, including Temporal Mandibular Joint (TMJ) disorders
Neck and Throat
- Neck pain, movement restrictions
- Scalenus Anticus Syndrome,
- TOS (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
- Throat itching
- persistent dry cough
Shoulders, Arms, Hands, and Fingers
- Pain and movement restrictions in any part
- frozen shoulder
- adhesive capsulitis
- Tennis/golf elbow,
- carpal tunnel syndrome,
- cubital tunnel syndrome
- Trigger finger,
- tenovaginitis,
- scapular dysfunction
- Trap nerve
Back and Chest
- Back and Chest Pain,
- tightness,
- movement restrictions
- Sciatica,
- Lower back pain
- Back injuries
- Breast nodules
Hips and Legs
- Hip pain
- Leg pain
- Knee pain
- Movement restrictions
- Piriformis syndrome
- Trap nerve
Hands, Feet, and Joints
- Movement restrictions,
- Numbness, tingling, burning sensations
- Heel pain
- Diabetic foot ulcers
- Joint pain
- tendinitis
Other Conditions
- Anxiety
- stress,
- insomnia
- Asthma,
- hay fever
- chronic or dry cough
- sinusitis
- Digestive issues: acid reflux, bloating, constipation, diarrhoea
- Urinary irritation,
- Weak bladder
- Postpartum bleeding
- Phantom Limb Pain (PLP)
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine Together Support:
- Significantly Improved IVF success rates (double), enhancing embryo implantation and survival
- Natural fertility support
- Menopause relief (e.g., hot flushes, mood swings)
- Period regulation and symptom relief
- Period pain
- Endometriosis (EMs)
- Digestive health and reduced bloating
- Constipation
Herbal Medicine Alone is Effective For:
- Skin conditions, including acne, eczema, and psoriasis
If your condition isn’t listed here, please reach out and book a free initial consultation with us —we’re here to help with a personalised approach to health and healing.